Antifa clowns are as clueless as puppets can be

The left and Antifa in general are absolutely clueless. Not only are they doing the bidding of multi-national globalist companies, always hiding behind the internet or the police, but they are bragging about the cowardice assault of Richard Spencer, someone they claim is a “nazi.” Nazi is a scary word, huh? Richard Spencer is not a National Socialist or a White Supremacist, he simply is not a leftist scumbag.

The funny part of all of this is that Antifa post personal information and addresses around like friendless geeks passing bubble gum around a 1st grade class. So why is it that they can hit someone from behind, yet they aren’t brave enough or capable to be the violent, masked terrorists that they portray themselves to be.

The new reality is clear… the police and F.B.I. recognize these anarchists as the vandals and violence instigators that they are. As the pressure mounts, you will see them hide under the rocks again, like the cockroaches that they are. It’s time to shine a light on them. When they announce meetings or rallies of any kind, be sure to contact the police immediately. When their blog sites or Twitter pages flaunt photos of the vandalism and protests they incite, contact the police immediately. These are the same tactics they have used for years to shut down Nationalist concerts and must be used back onto to them. The police do not like scumbag anarchists vandalizing stores and causing chaos with their senseless protests and now that this issue is on the front burner, it’s time to push the authorities to deal with these spoiled Suburban kids once and for all.


The time is now upon us to deal with Antifa, using legal channels to reveal the coward’s identities and to cause them as many problems as possible, always within the scope of the law.